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LNI Event: L&D Week Lunch and Connect

  • 24 Sep 2024
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Kanteen, 7 Waterloo Quay, Wellington
  • 32


  • HRNZ, AITD, CDANZ, FLANZ, ICF, NZOQ, PSANZ, TechCommNZ members can attend at member rates. When registering, use the 'Online Affiliate' promo code to access the member rate. Contact your affiliate administrator for this code.
  • For NZATD Committee members
  • To access member rates, please make sure you are logged in.


To celebrate our inaugural L&D Week, the LNI committee are planning a lunchtime networking event. Please join us to celebrate and immerse yourself in our exciting world of learning and development and build connections with other L&D people. Even in tough times, we have invaluable ideas to share.

There is no cost for the event. Each person attending will need to buy the food and drink of their choice.

Please register so we can get the right-sized table for the group. We have an interactive activity planned to help us get to know and connect with others during lunch.

Host: Lower North Island

Event eligibility: This event is open to NZATD members, affiliates and non-members.

Registering for this event:

  • Members can register for this event by logging in using their member login details.
  • Affiliates: (HRNZ, AITD, CDANZ, FLANZ, ICF, NZOQ, PSANZ, TechCommNZ) can attend at member rates. When registering, follow the non-member registration process and use the 'Online Affiliate' promo code to access the member rate. Contact your affiliate administrator for this code.

Cancellations and Attendance:

  • Please give 48 hours notice of cancellation.

New Zealand Association for Training and Development (NZATD)

Address: P O Box 9319, Waikato Mail Centre, Hamilton 3240

Phone:  021 794 277

